ASBM University has been established by the Government of Odisha by enactment of The ASBM University, Odisha Act, 2019 (Odisha Act 4 of 2019), which was assented to by the Hon’ble Governor of Odisha on the 7th September, 2019 and was published in The Odisha Gazette Extraordinary No. 1749 dated the 12th September, 2019.
The establishment of the university was notified by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha vide Notification No. 19914-HE-FE1B-POLICY-0013/2017/HE dated the 26th September 2019 and published in The Odisha Gazette Extraordinary No. 1858 dated the 26th September, 2019.
ASBM University is a full-fledged private university and has been established under section 2 (f) of The University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956. It is included in the list of universities maintained by the University Grants Commission (UGC) with the right to confer and grant degrees as per section 22 of The UGC Act, 1956.
ASBM University is an Academic Member of the Retailers Association of India (rai). Launched with the objective of being the voice of retail India, rai helps develop, facilitate and propagate practices and processes that will spur the Indian retail industry on the path of growth. It supports retailers by providing the required knowledge and information to educate and train retailers to adopt modern retail practices in India.