MOUs and Partnership
MOU With University Of Nottingham, Malaysia

- University of Nottingham, Malaysia (UNM) & ASBM University India have jointly launched ‘Semester Abroad Programme’
- ASBM launched the four-semester MBA Semester Abroad Programme in its University.
- The students for this Programme will be jointly selected by ASBM and UNM.
The selected students will undergo the 1st and 2nd semesters in ASBM - University, India and thereafter will be transferred onto UNM for pursuing the rest two semesters.
- Upon successful completion of the Programme at UNM, the students will be awarded with Master of Science in Business and Management by University of Nottingham. After credit transfer to ASBM by UNM, ASBM University will award the students with the degree MBA.
- Joint research, exchange of faculty members, graduate students and undergraduate students for research and study, exchange of information in fields of interest to both ASBM and MSU. .
- Development of professional and continuing education courses and Programme to benefit students and faculty in the United States, India, and where appropriate, other countries
- Exchange of scholars for lectures, talks, conferences, colloquia, symposia and sharing experiences.
MOU with James Cook University, Singapore

MOU With Eastern Michigan University, Michigan, USA

The Memorandum of Understanding has been exchanged between Asian School of Business Management and Eastern Michigan University (EMU), Michigan, USA for graduate degree Programme, exchange of information regarding Programme of study, conferences and other professional activities
- Graduate academic study and research opportunities for students;
- To provide teaching research and professional development opportunities for faculty members;
- To establish academic Programme, exchanges and cooperative relationship.
MOU With St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, United States of America

- To introduce Master in Engineering Management (MEM) Programme jointly. Student, Faculty and Research Scholar exchanges to promote cross-cultural learning and research.
- Encourage co-operation in such activities as joint research lectures, symposia and country visits for students and faculty members.
- Enable the exchange of data, documentation and research materials in the field of mutual interest.
MOU with North Carolina Central University (NCCU), Durham, NC, United States of America

- Joint and collaborative research
- Faculty and student exchange
- Collaborative in-depth work in the focus areas of International Business, International Finance, and International Marketing & Entrepreneurial Education
- Dr. Charlie Nemls, Chancellor, NCCU visited ASBM to strengthen the collaborative ties.
MOU with California State University, San Bernardino, USA

International Internship Programme at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), for a period of 8 weeks for selected students that includes course work, industry visits and/or excursion visits On successful completion of the Programme, the certificate of participation will be provided by the Global Management Centre of CSUSB to all the visiting students who will successfully pass the course. The existing fee of the university does not include this Programme. The expenses towards this will be borne separately by the student.Faculty Exchange, Collaborative research, workshop, internship, conferences and professional development Programme.
- Students Exchange
- Transfer of Bachelor’s/Master’s exchange international students for an academic term or more at CSUSB
- Short-term international training, education and research
- Transfer of Bachelor’s/Masters international exchange students for the Master’s degree at CSUSB
MOU with Westcliff University, California, United States of America

Asian School of Business Management (ASBM) and Westcliff University (WU), voluntarily join this agreement on cultural and educational cooperation by establishing a sister-hood relationship. Both institutions will cooperate in fields of teaching and research to be agreed upon. Within these mutually designed fields of study both institutions agree to the following general forms of cooperation:
- Joint research activities and the exchange of faculty and staff members.
- The exchange of information of mutual interest.
- The exchange of students in general Programmes.
MOU with Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Faculty Exchange
- Student Exchange
- Exchange of scientific, technical and other data
- Visiting scholar Programme
- Research projects of mutual interest
- Holiday of Symposia, Conferences and Workshops of mutual interest
MOU with Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS), Singapore

ASBM has exchanged MoU with MDIS with the following broad objectives :
- To jointly organize seminars, promotional and marketing activities and/or networking sessions.
- To publish regular newsletters and/or journals that promote and support the objectives of both parties
- To facilitate and promote student and or staff exchanges between both parties
- To develop and offer short-term professional development or training courses
- To consider further academic cooperation leading to articulation and other collaboration arrangements
MOU with College of Management "Edukacja", Wroclaw, Poland

ASBM has exchanged MoU with College of Management, Poland with the broad understanding of :
- To exchange academic teachers and scholars for the purpose of lectures, seminars etc.,
- To organise internships for students
In the field of research:
- To carry out joint research projects,
- To exchange scientific and technical information,
- To coordinate scientific research,
- To exchange scientific results in the specific areas,
- To publish the results in these areas,
- To organise joint seminars, conferences, symposia etc.
In the field of student exchange:
- To create conditions enabling students to take up undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the partner’s institution.
- To exchange students for a period of one semester or its part, or for a time necessary to carry out a specific project, to undergo training or to prepare a diploma paper.
- To carry out joint research Programme by students.
- To exchange sports and cultural groups.
MOU with World University of Bangladesh

ASBM has exchanged MOU with World University of Bangladesh (appears in the world wide listing of university by the UNESCO) on the following areas to meet the objective of knowledge building and research.
- Student Exchange
- Credit transfer agreement
- Academic research
- Dual degree Programme
- Exchange of faculty, research and academic staff
MOU with University of Kelaniya, Srilanka

ASBM has exchanged MOU with University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, a national University of Sri Lanka established under the university act no. 16 of 1978. The MOU holds the following salient features.
- To exchange academic staffs and researchers in the fields of teaching and research.
- To have exchange Programme for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level students
- To carryout research and development in a collaborative manner
- To formulate curriculum for courses, organize seminar and symposia, exchange and disseminate publications.
MOU with University of Kenyatta, Kenya

ASBM has exchanged MOU with Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya on the assistance of fund subject to availability and approval of VC, Kenyatta University and Director of ASBM through the following activities.
- Exchange of faculty members and students
- Participation in international seminars and academic meetings
- Joint research activities
- Exchange of academic materials and other information.
- Special short term academic Programmes.
MOU signed with CamEd Business School, Cambodia

ASBM has exchanged MOU with James Cook University, Singapore.