Prof. (Dr.) Biswajeet Pattanayak
Founder & President
Life at the turn of the millennium has become a truly boundary- less quest for adventure with the leaders willing to move to any part of the world, integrate themselves with the region and yet retain their originality and heritage. Asia is playing a pivotal role in determining the shape and direction of the global economy by leading from the front. The new power structures have put India firmly as a global superpower and its managers as the global business leaders, highly respected for their maturity and their legendary humility reflecting our ageless heritage. This has thrown thought provoking challenges to realign and augment the Indian education paradigm.
On this backdrop, ASBM University is being developed as a model institution benchmarking the best universities and institutions of excellence in the world with a clear focus on holistic personality development and action leadership. ASBM students are groomed with strong conviction, high values and sensitivity towards the changing environment with an entrepreneurial leadership outlook.
All said and done, what ultimately matters in life is to achieve happiness. Hence, we do focus on holistic development of a student, while emphasising learning by experimentation, innovation, speed, right attitude, pragmatism, flexible outlook and continuous learning.
On behalf of the ASBMU family, I extend you my heartiest invitation to visit our campus and witness how our students are shaped into leaders of tomorrow.