Dr. Premananda Ranasingh

LL.M., Ph.D.
Prof. Ranasingh started his professional career as an advocate and has a decade-long experience in law practice at the district court at Puri. He then shifted to academics and has a rich teaching experience of about two decades and a half. He can, therefore, bring his hands-on practical experience to the class room. During his long academic career, he has gained valuable experience in academic administration having worked in various positions such as Head of Department, Dean, Principal, Member of Board of Studies and Academic Council, Director of ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) Study Centre, NSS Programme Officer etc.
He worked on an ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Project to prepare an action plan for celebrating the contribution of the lesser known freedom fighters from the Eastern Indian as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. He has been a paper setter and examiner for different universities. He has also supervised more than 100 dissertations in LL.M.
Dr. Ranasingh has participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course conducted by the University of Calcutta and a Faculty Development Programme on Innovative Teaching and Research Methodology. He has attended, and presented papers in, a large number of national and international seminars and conferences organised by reputed institutions like NALSAR University of Law, Utkal University, Madhusudan Law University, Fakir Mohan University, University of Burdwan, The Bar Association of India, Indian Society of Criminology etc. He has also published a number of papers.
Areas of Interest: Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development, Uniform Civil Code etc.
Subject Area – Law
Dr. Premananda Ransingh holds a Master Degree in Law (LL.M.) from Utkal University with a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. in Law) from Fakir Mohan University.Prof. Ranasingh started his professional career as an advocate and has a decade-long experience in law practice at the district court at Puri. He then shifted to academics and has a rich teaching experience of about two decades and a half. He can, therefore, bring his hands-on practical experience to the class room. During his long academic career, he has gained valuable experience in academic administration having worked in various positions such as Head of Department, Dean, Principal, Member of Board of Studies and Academic Council, Director of ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) Study Centre, NSS Programme Officer etc.
He worked on an ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Project to prepare an action plan for celebrating the contribution of the lesser known freedom fighters from the Eastern Indian as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. He has been a paper setter and examiner for different universities. He has also supervised more than 100 dissertations in LL.M.
Dr. Ranasingh has participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course conducted by the University of Calcutta and a Faculty Development Programme on Innovative Teaching and Research Methodology. He has attended, and presented papers in, a large number of national and international seminars and conferences organised by reputed institutions like NALSAR University of Law, Utkal University, Madhusudan Law University, Fakir Mohan University, University of Burdwan, The Bar Association of India, Indian Society of Criminology etc. He has also published a number of papers.
Areas of Interest: Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development, Uniform Civil Code etc.