Ph.D. in Computer Science & Information Technology
The ASBM University Ph.D. Regulations shall apply to the doctoral programmes offered by the University for research in approved subjects leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
These Regulations have been made in conformity with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022 and shall be subject to the regulations and guidelines issued from time to time by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
They shall come into force from the date of their notification by the University and shall apply to every candidate applying for admission to the doctoral programmes of the University after such notification.
At ASBM, we equip students with a well-rounded education to provide the best Ph.D. in Computer Science & IT. Our vibrant campus culture fosters an engaging learning environment, enabling students to immerse themselves fully in advanced research and innovation. ASBM values problem-solving skills, critical thinking, creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Furthermore, we emphasize soft skills development through interactive learning experiences, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Students also gain valuable industry exposure and networking opportunities, preparing them for impactful careers in academia, research, and technology-driven industries. ASBM offers a holistic learning experience, ensuring that Ph.D. scholars in Computer Science & IT acquire both technical expertise and leadership capabilities to excel in their respective fields.
Admission to the Doctoral Programmes shall be open to all persons irrespective of class, caste, creed, religion, language, domicile and gender, subject to applicable reservation, as explained in sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 6 of the ASBM University, Odisha Act 2019 and shall be made in terms of section 29 of the Act.
The intake shall be as decided by the Academic Council of the University on an annual basis depending on the number of available Research Supervisors, the norms regarding the Scholar-Teacher ratio, and the other available academic and physical facilities.
Admission may be made twice a year, preferably at the beginning of each semester.
Duration of the Programme
- The duration of the Ph.D. programme shall be for a minimum period of three (3) years including course-work, and a maximum of six (6) years, from the date of admission into the programme.
- A research scholar may for valid and cogent reasons apply to the Controller of Examinations (COE) through the RAC for an extension by paying the requisite fees three months before the expiry of the stipulated maximum period. Such application shall be placed before the SRC for consideration.
- Extension may be allowed by the Vice-Chancellor to deserving candidates on a case-to-case basis on the recommendation of the SRC for not more than two years (one year at a time) beyond the stipulated maximum duration of six years keeping thereby the total period for completion of the Ph.D. programme limited to eight (8) years from the date of admission into the programme;
- Provided that female research scholars and Persons with Disabilities (having more than 40% disability) may be allowed an additional relaxation of two (2) years subject to condition that the total period for completion of the Ph.D. programme in such cases shall not exceed ten (10) years from the date of admission.
- The female research scholars may be provided Maternity Leave/ Child Care Leave up to 240 days during the entire duration of the Ph.D. programme.
- If a candidate fails to submit her/ his dissertation before the expiry of the sixth year or the extended period, if any, the Ph.D. registration of such candidate shall lapse automatically.
Procedure for Admission
- A candidate desirous of pursuing a Ph.D. programme under ASBM University shall apply in the prescribed form and pay the prescribed fee.
- Selection for admission shall be made through a two-stage process, namely. written test and interview.
- A candidate has to qualify in any one of the following written tests for being eligible to be called for an interview:
- Qualified for fellowship/ scholarship in UGC-NET, UGC-CSIR NET, GATE, CEED or similar national-level tests;
- Qualified in the ASBM University Research Aptitude Test (ASBM-RAT) by securing at least 50% marks, provided that a relaxation of 5% of marks (from 50% to 45%) shall be allowed for the candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ OBC (non-creamy layers), Differently-abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the UGC from time to time.
50% of the questions in the ASBM-RAT will be from research methodology and the rest will be subject-specific.
- Candidates qualifying in either of the above-said tests shall have to appear for an interview to discuss their research interest/ area through a presentation before the SRC. The number of candidates to be called for the interview shall be decided by the University depending on the number of Ph.D. seats available.
- Such interview shall consider the following aspects:
- whether the candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research;
- whether the proposed area of research can contribute to new/ additional knowledge; and
- whether the research work can be undertaken at the University.
- Performance in the written test [including UGC-NET and such other tests specified in sub-clause 3 (a) above], and interview shall carry weightage of 70% and 30% respectively. The candidates, who have qualified for fellowship/ scholarship in UGC-NET and such other tests specified above, shall be deemed to have secured 100% marks in the written test.
- A combined merit list will be prepared accordingly and will be notified after approval by the Vice-Chancellor.
Course Work
- Course-work shall be a prerequisite for Ph.D. and all candidates selected for admission to the Ph.D. programme shall be required to undertake the prescribed course-work on payment of the requisite fee.
- The course-work shall be for a minimum of 12 credits and shall mandatorily include ‘Research and Publication Ethics’ and ‘Research Methodology’.
A candidate has to successfully complete the course-work during the initial one or two semesters by obtaining a minimum of 55% of marks (or an equivalent grade or CGPA in a point scale, wherever the grading system is followed) in the course-work to be eligible to continue in the programme and submit the dissertation/ thesis
Allocation of Supervisor
- After successful completion of the course-work, Supervisors/ Co-supervisors shall be allotted to the successful candidates by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the SRC depending on the research interests of the candidates as indicated by them at the time of interview, the specialisation of the Supervisors, and the existing number of scholars with them.
- Only permanent full-time faculty members of ASBM University with Ph.D. degree can act as Supervisors. However, Co-Supervisors may be allowed from outside the University in inter-disciplinary/ multi-disciplinary areas on the recommendation of the SRC.
- A regular Professor or Associate Professor of the University with at least five research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals or a regular Assistant Professor of the University with at least three research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals may be recognised as Research Supervisor. The adjunct faculty members can act only as Co-supervisors, but not as research Supervisors.
- An eligible Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor can guide at any given point of time up to a maximum of eight (8), six (6) or four (4) Ph.D. research scholars respectively as either Supervisor or Co-supervisor.
- Faculty members with less than three years of service before superannuation shall not be allowed to take new research scholars under their supervision. However, such faculty members can continue to supervise the research scholars, who are already registered, until superannuation as Supervisor, and thereafter as Co-supervisor, but not after attaining the age of 70 years.
- In case of relocation of a woman research scholar due to marriage or otherwise, the research data shall be allowed to be transferred to the university to which she intends to relocate provided all the other conditions in these regulations are followed and the research work does not pertain to a project sanctioned to ASBM University or to the Supervisor by any funding agency. Such scholar will give due credit to ASBM University and the parent Supervisor for that part of research already undertaken at the University.
- In case of any disability or death of a Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor, a suitable replacement shall be allotted by the University.
- If a research scholar desires to change the Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor or include a Co-Supervisor after allocation by the University, she/ he shall apply to the Controller of Examinations along with a consent letter of the proposed Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor and a “No Objection Certificate” from the existing Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor, and pay the requisite fee. Such change/ addition may be allowed by the Vice-Chancellor on a case to case basis and with the recommendation of the SRC.
School Research Committee (SRC)
- Each School of the University shall have a School Research Committee (SRC) to supervise the academic matters pertaining to the Ph.D. programmes of the concerned School. It shall consist of the following members, namely,
- Dean of the School, who shall be the Chairperson;
- Dean, Research and Development of the University;
- Minimum two faculty members of the School with Ph.D. degree to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
- One faculty member outside the School to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor in case of inter-disciplinary research.
- The SRC shall meet at least twice a year and three members shall form the quorum for the meeting.
Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
- There shall be a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for each research scholar with the following members, namely,
- The Supervisor of the research scholar, who shall be the Convenor;
- The Co-Supervisor, if any;
- Two faculty members of the School (One, if there is a Co-Supervisor) having doctorate degree to be nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
- The RAC shall have the following responsibilities –
- To review the research proposal and finalise the topic of research;
- To guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do;
- To periodically review the progress of the research work of the research scholar and assist her/ him in the matter.
- On successful completion of the course work, every candidate shall prepare a detailed research proposal, including study design and research methodology, in consultation with her/ his RAC.
- Such research proposal has to be submitted within six months from the date of allotment of the supervisor(s).
- An extension may be allowed by the Vice-Chancellor to deserving candidates on a case-to-case basis based on the recommendation of the RAC for not more than six months (three months at a time) beyond the stipulated maximum duration of six months on payment of the prescribed late submission fee each time. If a candidate fails to submit her/ his research proposal before the expiry of the sixth month, or the extended period, her/ his candidacy shall lapse automatically.
- The research proposal, duly countersigned by the Supervisor(s), shall be submitted to the Dean, Academics along with a document evidencing payment of the prescribed registration fee.
- The candidate shall make a presentation of the research proposal before the SRC. If satisfied with the presentation, the SRC may recommend to the Vice- Chancellor to permit her/ him to undertake a research study with further recommendation of the title/ topic of the dissertation/ thesis for approval. If the SRC is not satisfied with the proposal and the presentation, it may ask the candidate to work again and resubmit the proposal to be followed by another presentation.
- Upon approval by the Vice-Chancellor, the concerned candidate shall be registered by the Controller of Examinations (COE) as a research scholar.
- No candidate shall be eligible to register for the Ph.D. Programme if she/ he is already registered for any full-time programme of study in any institution.
- The SRC may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor for cancellation of the registration of a scholar for breach of any provision of the Ph.D. programme.
Research Study and Work
- After registration into the Ph.D. Programme, every research scholar shall undertake research work under the guidance and monitoring of her/ his Supervisor(s).
- All the research scholars, irrespective of discipline, shall be trained in teaching/ education/ pedagogy/ writing related to their chosen Ph.D. subject during their doctoral period. They may also be assigned 4 to 6 hours of teaching/ research assistantship per week for conducting tutorial or laboratory work and evaluations.
- Every research scholar shall submit half-yearly progress reports to the RAC and shall appear before it to make presentation of the progress in her/ his research work for evaluation and further guidance. The RAC shall review such report and then submit it, with its comments, if any, to the SRC for consideration.
- In case the research scholar’s progress is not satisfactory, the RAC shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the RAC may recommend to the SRC, with specific reasons, for the cancellation of her/ his registration as a research scholar.
- The research scholar shall present a seminar in the School on her/ his research at the completion of each year after her/ his registration till submission of the dissertation.
Guidelines for Submission of Dissertation/Thesis
- On satisfactory completion of the research study, every research scholar shall submit a draft dissertation/ thesis as per the timeframe stipulated in these regulations.
- Before such submission, the scholar shall apply to the COE through the Supervisor(s), along with a copy of the draft dissertation/ thesis, seeking permission for pre-submission presentation. The COE shall then issue a notification for holding a pre-submission presentation by the SRC.
- The scholar shall make a presentation of the draft dissertation before the SRC, which shall be open to the members of the RAC, all faculty members, other research scholars and students.
- The SRC, if satisfied with the draft dissertation and presentation, may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor to permit the scholar to submit the dissertation, subject to incorporation of the feedback and comment, if any, during such presentation. In case the SRC is not satisfied with the draft dissertation and presentation, it may ask the scholar to work again and resubmit the draft dissertation to be followed by another presentation.
- Upon approval by the Vice-Chancellor, the COE shall inform the concerned research scholar to submit her/ his dissertation within three months from the date thereof, failing which the pre-submission presentation shall have to be repeated.
- The dissertation/ thesis shall be subjected to plagiarism verification and the research scholar shall obtain such certification from the University Library. Action, as follows, shall be taken depending on the level of plagiarism:
- Level 0: Similarities up to 10% – Minor Similarities, no penalty;
- Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40% – Such scholar shall be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated period not exceeding six months;
- Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60% – Such scholar shall be debarred from submitting a revised script for one year;
- Level 3: Similarities above 60% – Registration of such scholar for that programme shall be cancelled;
- Penalty on repeated plagiarism – Such scholar shall be punished for plagiarism of one level higher than the previous level committed by her/ him. In the case where plagiarism of the highest level is committed, the punishment for the same shall be operative.
- After compliance with the prescribed requirements, the scholar shall submit the following documents to the COE, namely,
- Four (Five, in case there is a Co-Supervisor) hard copies of the dissertation/ thesis in the prescribed format in soft-bound form;
- Four (Five, in case there is a Co-Supervisor) hard copies of the abstract of the dissertation;
- Four (Five, in case there is a Co-Supervisor) Compact Disks (CDs) containing the complete dissertation, along with abstract thereof, in PDF format;
- Declaration by the research scholar in the prescribed format stating:
- that the work is an original piece of research undertaken by her/ him;
- that there is no plagiarism; and
- that the work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any other degree/ diploma to this University or to any other Institution;
- Certificate from the Supervisor(s) in the prescribed format attesting the originality of the research work;
- Plagiarism verification certificate countersigned by the Supervisor;
- Receipt evidencing payment of the prescribed fee; and
- Original certificate of registration as research scholar.
Evaluation of Dissertation / Thesis
- The Supervisor shall submit to the COE a list of eight external examiners, who are experts in the field and are not in the employment of the University. Such examiners should be academics with a good record of scholarly publications in the field. Such list shall be presented before the Board of Studies for consideration and recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint two external examiners out of such panel for evaluation of the dissertation, provided that she/ he may at her/ his discretion add any name to the panel or reject the entire panel and return it to the Board of Studies for re-submission. Wherever possible, one of the external examiners should be chosen from outside India.
- The dissertation shall be sent by the COE to all the examiners, including the Supervisor(s), after obtaining consent from the external examiners.
- Each Examiner, after examining the dissertation, shall submit a report to the COE in the prescribed format containing a clear recommendation whether in her/ his opinion:
- The dissertation as such is acceptable and the viva-voce examination of the candidate may be held; or
- the dissertation should be referred back to the research scholar for revision and resubmission; or
- the dissertation should be rejected.
- The examiner shall not recommend conducting the viva-voce examination unless she/ he is satisfied:
- that the methodology pursued by the research scholar is sound,
- that the dissertation constitutes a contribution to the discipline
characterised either by the development of new knowledge/ techniques or by re-interpretation of known facts, and - that its literary presentation is satisfactory.
- The COE shall act as per the recommendation of the external examiners. If the recommendation of one external examiner is positive and that of the other one is negative, the COE may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor for appointment of a third external examiner and act according to the recommendation of such third examiner;
- Provided that a recommendation is not to be considered negative if a revision is recommended and the revised dissertation is accepted by the concerned examiner;
- Provided further that if the revised dissertation is not accepted by the concerned examiner, the original and the revised versions of the dissertation shall be sent to a third external examiner and the opinion given by such third examiner shall be considered to be final.
- If the external examiners unanimously recommend that the viva-voce examination of the candidate be held, the COE shall, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, constitute the Board for Viva-Voce examination comprising the following members, viz.,
- The Research Supervisor, who shall be the Chairperson;
- At least one of the external examiners to be nominated by the Vice- Chancellor;
- The Co-Supervisor, if any.
- A public viva-voce examination shall be conducted on a date suggested by the Supervisor in consultation with the other member(s) of the Viva-voce Board. It shall be open to the other members of the RAC, faculty members, research scholars, and students. It may also be conducted online. The COE shall issue the necessary notification in this regard.
- At the viva-voce, the Board shall satisfy itself –
- that the dissertation submitted by the candidate is her/ his own work,
- that her/ his grasp on the field of her/ his study is satisfactory, and
- that the critiques, if any, given in the evaluation report by any
external examiner are satisfactorily explained by her/ him.
- If the Board recommends that the candidate be awarded the Ph.D. degree, the COE shall place such recommendation before the President throughthe Vice-Chancellor for approval, and the result shall be declared thereafter.
- The entire process of evaluation of a Ph.D. dissertation/ thesis, including the declaration of the viva-voce result, shall be completed within a period of six (6) months from the date of submission of the dissertation/ thesis.
The research scholars are expected to work full-time for their Ph.D. degree.
The University may, however, allow the programme through the part-time mode in respect of specific candidates employed in any organisation provided all the conditions stipulated in these regulations are fulfilled. Further, a candidate for the part-time mode shall be required to obtain and submit to the University a “No Objection Certificate” from the appropriate authority in the organisation where she/ he is employed, clearly stating that:a) The candidate concerned is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis.b) Her/ his official duties permit her/ him to devote sufficient time for research.c) She/ he will be relieved from the duty to complete the course-work.
Following successful completion of the evaluation process and before the announcement of the award of the Ph.D. degree, the COE shall submit an electronic copy of the dissertation/ thesis to the INFLIBNET for hosting the same to make it accessible to all universities/ institutions/ colleges, researchers and others. The candidate shall also submit to the University Library a hard and a soft copy of the dissertation/ thesis and deposit the acknowledgement receipt with the COE.
The Degree of Ph.D. shall be awarded to the candidate after due approval by the Board of Governors. The University shall, along with the diploma certificate, issue a certificate stating that the degree has been awarded in accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022 as amended from time to time.
- The University may separately decide its own selection procedure for the admission of the international students to the doctoral programmes keeping in view the guidelines/ norms in this regard issued from time to time by the concerned statutory/ regulatory bodies.
- Each eligible supervisor can supervise/ guide up to two international research scholars on a supernumerary basis over and above the permitted number of Ph.D. scholars as specified in sub-clause 10.4 above.