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Akanksha: ASBM University Welcomes New Batch 2024-25
Akanksha: ASBM University Welcomes New Batch 2024-25

Akanksha: ASBM University Welcomes New Batch 2024-25

Akanksha: ASBM University Welcomes New Batch 2024-25

Akanksha ASBM University Welcomes New Batch 2024-25

Bhubaneswar, India – ASBM University celebrated “Akanksha” the inauguration ceremony of the new bach 2024-25. It was presided over by Prof. Biswajeet Pattanayak, Founder & President of the University and was graced by Dr. Ashok Kumar Singha, Partner & Odisha Head of Ernst & Young as the Chief Guest, and Shri Shyam Sundar Choudhury, HR Chief of Tata Power Odisha Discoms (TPCODL) and Dr. Debabrata Dash, Head — Human Resources (East) of ArcelorMittaI Nippon Steel India, as the Guests of Honour.

Shri Shyam Sundar Choudhury in his address advised the students to acquire and continually develop their core competencies. He also pointed out that dependability, adaptability and respectful behaviour are the prized possessions of a great corporate candidate.

Dr. Debabrata Dash spoke about developing a quality of thoughts and taking thinking from linearity to non-linearity. Referencing the OB theory of Kolb’s Learning Cycle Dr. Dash emphasised that what the current corporate world needs are problem solvers thus, the students should focus on developing their lateral and creative thinking alongside critical thinking.

The Chief Guest Dr. Ashok Kumar Singha counselled the students through his life experiences to develop resilience, situational awareness and promptness. He spoke of how rapid development and change can bring about instability and chaos but even this chaos arrives embedded with its own solutions and advised the students to master the art of solution generation and concrete goal creation.

Prof. (Dr.) Biswajeet Pattanayak, Founder and President of the University, while welcoming the freshmen, insightfully remarked that the recipe of life for everyone is different and advised the students to decode and shape the purpose of their own lives. He said that the driving force of a fruitful life is aptly balancing our rights and duties. Commenting that change is the only constant, he illuminated that the things of utmost importance in life are attitude and accountability along with a problem-solving mindset.

Welcome address was given by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ranjan Kumar Bal while the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Phalgu Niranjana administered the pledge of the Honour Code to the students. The Academic Dean Prof. Manmath Nath Samantaray introduced the guests and also proposed a vote of thanks at the end.

This program was attended by the Vice-President of the University Prof. Dr. Kalyan Shankar Ray, Principal Director Prof. Dr. Smaraki Pattanayak, all the Deans, Professors, faculty members and all students of the University.

In the afternoon, the senior students accorded welcome to the newcomers through a colourful cultural programme.

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